Here are my top three handbags that will never go out of style:

If you are thinking about investing in a high-quality handbag, I would suggest you do your research. After all, you don’t want to buy a piece that won’t stand the test of time and will be “out” the next season.

A tweed Chanel handbag

A tweed Chanel handbag is definitely one of the most iconic accessories in the history of fashion. It’s like a good wine – it ages so well.

Fendi’s Baguette bag

As you probably know, The Baguette is one of Fendi’s most well-known handbags. This bag is designed to be tucked under the arm.

Prada Sidonie bag

The Sidonie is one of Prada’s newest icons of elegance. It’s crafted from the best saffiano leather, which makes this bag a pure luxury.

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